Buenos Aires Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.

Meet 7 attorney View everyone

ID 648634

Juan Raskovsky

Start-ups & VC attorney. Enviromental Law specialist. Intellectual Property. Member of @RaskovskyAsoc.

ID 676414

Pablo Legon

Attorney for startups based in Argentina. Have been advising Wayra Argentina since its inception. More info at www.pyla.com.ar

ID 579105

Fernando S. Zoppi

Columbia educated; Law firm partner; succesfully represented PE and VC firms in LATAM; Strategic advice to investors. Substantial experience in US law firms.

ID 243055

Mariano Mayer

Founder @tanoira-cassagne • Worked at @gobierno-de-la-ciudad-de-buenos-aires • Studied at @universidad-austral

ID 116947

Douglas Choi


at TangoLaw

ID 169152

Inspirit Angels


Angel Fund from Latin America

ID 334460

Fernando Tauscher

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