Buenos Aires Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.

Meet 24 advisors View everyone

ID 408383

Pablo Serber


Customer CTO @emc in a pharma vertical, previously Chief Technologist @colt. ex @ibm.

ID 676414

Pablo Legon

Attorney for startups based in Argentina. Have been advising Wayra Argentina since its inception. More info at www.pyla.com.ar

ID 648634

Juan Raskovsky

Start-ups & VC attorney. Enviromental Law specialist. Intellectual Property. Member of @RaskovskyAsoc.

ID 438238

Noemi Perez Hernandez

Charity for: art , organize events and semminars to coach art students on how to introduce themselves on the business world and market their works of art.

ID 128900

Federico Jack


Finance & Operations at Auth0, the emerging industry standard for authentication and authorization. +10 years working with technology startups.

ID 129472

Facundo Turconi


Founder @coomuna. Strong business background (Head of Business Acceso, before Risk Manager BFP, @interbank & @experian through Latam). MBA @ucema

ID 19206

Hal Bringman


Board member, Public Knowledge, media strategist, founder of digital media consultancy, NVPR, in Seattle, LA & Buenos Aires: marcom, biz dev, creative services

ID 429487

Jonathan Rivas


Managing Partner @dcdb-group | Founder & CEO at @dc-ventures.

ID 9235

Sebastian Nader

Ba. in Economics UNLP / Ms. Marketing SUNY-USAL / Prof. Seminario de Emprendedores FCE-UNLP / Facilitator Palermo Valley + Econored / Jury IAE-NAVES + SABF / Project management IICA-OEA + PROSAP + MECON / Founder OOZE + Farmsphere + FoodExtra + Goblab.org

ID 3543

Antonio Peña


Founder of Overboost.me, a startup accelerator and 54geeks.com a Startup Builder in Argentina with focus in digital industry in Latin America. about.me/eltoni72

ID 418392

Sebastian Camiser

Founder @brainedpage, @new-generation-marketing-1 • Worked at @paymentez @vostu, @telecom-argentina • Studied at @universidad-de-buenos-aires, @universitat-autonoma-barcelona

ID 140377

Eduardo Suárez Battán

Headhunter, Executive evaluator, Angel Investor, and Advisor in governance/human resorces matters in Start Ups

ID 48818

James Haft


Founder @PALcapital, @palgenesis, @nxtp-labs • Worked at @bear-stearns-co-inc • Studied at @emory-university, @vassar-college

ID 187484

Arturo Torres


Economist. Program Director at @nxtp-labs.

ID 51663

Adrian Herzkovich


SVP & GM of Fox Latin American Channels (a News Corp Company) based in Latin American, Southern Cone. And in my free time, "Serial Mentor".

ID 86492

Pablo Grandinetti

Serial entrepreneur, advisor and investor. Co-founder & COO at @urbita. Co-founder & Board Member at @Blink-2.

ID 52228

Monroe Yohey

Monroe Yohey is an Entrepreneur, Digital Strategist, Social Media Consultant, Digital Cinema Producer/Director, Creative Advertising Director

ID 88575

Vanesa Kolodziej

Mother of @facuguerra. In love with life & @gertfindel. Entrepreneur, VC and mentor. On sabbatical. Co-founder @NazcaVentures & @palermovalley

ID 8910

Diego Saez-Gil


Founder of @wehostels (acquired by @studentuniverse). Investor and advisor to some startups.

ID 50765

Marta Cruz


Co-Founder & Director at @nxtplabs and @nextperience-1. Former CEO & Regional Director at MRM-IPGGroup.

ID 109563

Marisol López

Plastic Surgeon, Aesthetic & Reconstructive

ID 407336

Alejandro Burato

Technology | Media | Strategy | Finance. MBA @ UCLA Anderson and Computer Science Engineering @ UB.

ID 83744

José Luis Núñez Díaz

Wayraboy looking for very innovative and disruptive early stage start-ups developing promising business opportunities to accelerate in @wayra.

ID 150031

Cliff Hinrichs


Working at @google • Studied at @insead-1, @amherst-college (Phi Beta Kappa) • Founder @homedirectory-ltd-uk

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