Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.
Customer CTO @emc in a pharma vertical, previously Chief Technologist @colt. ex @ibm.
Attorney for startups based in Argentina. Have been advising Wayra Argentina since its inception. More info at
Start-ups & VC attorney. Enviromental Law specialist. Intellectual Property. Member of @RaskovskyAsoc.
Charity for: art , organize events and semminars to coach art students on how to introduce themselves on the business world and market their works of art.
Finance & Operations at Auth0, the emerging industry standard for authentication and authorization. +10 years working with technology startups.
Founder @coomuna. Strong business background (Head of Business Acceso, before Risk Manager BFP, @interbank & @experian through Latam). MBA @ucema
Board member, Public Knowledge, media strategist, founder of digital media consultancy, NVPR, in Seattle, LA & Buenos Aires: marcom, biz dev, creative services
Managing Partner @dcdb-group | Founder & CEO at @dc-ventures.
Ba. in Economics UNLP / Ms. Marketing SUNY-USAL / Prof. Seminario de Emprendedores FCE-UNLP / Facilitator Palermo Valley + Econored / Jury IAE-NAVES + SABF / Project management IICA-OEA + PROSAP + MECON / Founder OOZE + Farmsphere + FoodExtra +!/nadersebastian
Founder of, a startup accelerator and a Startup Builder in Argentina with focus in digital industry in Latin America.
Founder @brainedpage, @new-generation-marketing-1 • Worked at @paymentez @vostu, @telecom-argentina • Studied at @universidad-de-buenos-aires, @universitat-autonoma-barcelona
Headhunter, Executive evaluator, Angel Investor, and Advisor in governance/human resorces matters in Start Ups
Founder @PALcapital, @palgenesis, @nxtp-labs • Worked at @bear-stearns-co-inc • Studied at @emory-university, @vassar-college
Economist. Program Director at @nxtp-labs.
SVP & GM of Fox Latin American Channels (a News Corp Company) based in Latin American, Southern Cone.
And in my free time, "Serial Mentor".
Serial entrepreneur, advisor and investor. Co-founder & COO at @urbita. Co-founder & Board Member at @Blink-2.
Monroe Yohey is an Entrepreneur, Digital Strategist, Social Media Consultant, Digital Cinema Producer/Director, Creative Advertising Director
Mother of @facuguerra. In love with life & @gertfindel. Entrepreneur, VC and mentor. On sabbatical. Co-founder @NazcaVentures & @palermovalley
Founder of @wehostels (acquired by @studentuniverse). Investor and advisor to some startups.
Co-Founder & Director at @nxtplabs and @nextperience-1. Former CEO & Regional Director at MRM-IPGGroup.
Plastic Surgeon, Aesthetic & Reconstructive
Technology | Media | Strategy | Finance.
MBA @ UCLA Anderson and Computer Science Engineering @ UB.
Wayraboy looking for very innovative and disruptive early stage start-ups developing promising business opportunities to accelerate in @wayra.
Working at @google • Studied at @insead-1, @amherst-college (Phi Beta Kappa) • Founder @homedirectory-ltd-uk