Buenos Aires Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.

Meet 9 CEO View everyone

ID 329064

Pepe Martinez Cevasco

Founder & CEO @ ReservaResto • Founder & CEO of Bukeala

ID 279687

Nahuel Candia

CEO & Co-Founder at Shovel Apps, Inc. Microsoft Student Partner, geek and entrepreneur. Seeking to change the world.

ID 109597

Esteban Cervi

CEO de Neolo.com Web Hosting - Internet Entrepreneur

ID 160976

Matias Baglieri

CEO and Founder of @technorides. Serial Entrepreneur. Ethical hacker.

ID 713378

Flavio Diaz Calio'

ID 761136

Iván Ándres Tabachnik

Founder Trision, Actitud Web, Darwin Research. 3D print • Studied at @escuela-superior-de-comercio-carlos-pellegrini

ID 79756

Sally Buberman

Co Founder @WormholeIT

ID 723446

Mateo Marietti

Co-founder @cookunity . Succesful food entrepreneur. Owner of the biggest food delivery biz in Argentina. Founder of StyleClub.

ID 706442

Renzo Espósito

Apasionado de llevar las ideas a la acción. Director de apleno.net . En constante aprendizaje, crecimiento y cambios. #Coaching #Emprender #Marketing

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