Buenos Aires Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.

Meet 14 Founder View everyone

ID 639544

Damian Nechaevsky

Founder @relock • Studied at @universidad-de-buenos-aires, @escuelos-technicas-ort

ID 109597

Esteban Cervi

CEO de Neolo.com Web Hosting - Internet Entrepreneur

ID 483732

Diego Rey


Founder @geneweave • Studied at @cornell-university, @university-of-california-santa-barbara

ID 702616

Jesus Marquez

CEO & Founder Swapig. Defying the status quo since 1989.

ID 422419

Juan Uicich

Full stack web developer, experienced in managing developers and clients.

ID 19206

Hal Bringman


Board member, Public Knowledge, media strategist, founder of digital media consultancy, NVPR, in Seattle, LA & Buenos Aires: marcom, biz dev, creative services

ID 210917

Brian Condenanza

Founder @silurgy. Owner of popular blogs such as Fashion.cd, Vintage.cf and more. Making Social Media Management affordable to EVERY business!

ID 484091

Sebastian Palatnik

CoFounder + CIO @clinc. Mobile Commerce Platform in LATAM. Business+System at ITBA.

ID 61388

Ignacio Harriague

Entrepreneur and business guy. Previously Biz Dev at @comenta-tv @fanwards @the-walt-disney-company @playdom and @three-melons

ID 723446

Mateo Marietti

Co-founder @cookunity . Succesful food entrepreneur. Owner of the biggest food delivery biz in Argentina. Founder of StyleClub.

ID 742385

Guido Kuznicki

ID 385353

Mariano Focaraccio

Entrepreneur & Software Engineer all in one, I love startups. Worked @zauber, @cupoint and @vmbc & @insidevault. Now founder & CEO at @gitcolony

ID 713378

Flavio Diaz Calio'

ID 517445

Shivam Dhawan

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);