Buenos Aires Startups List

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Meet 12 backend developer View everyone

ID 121853

Pablo Rigazzi

Tech Lead in @opicos. Strong Technological background as Tech Lead in previous Start Ups like OLX.

ID 127193

Martin Cocaro

Computer Engineer specialized in software. Back-end & Front-end. Web & Mobile. Interested in AI & psychology. Founded one startup, CTO another

ID 855079

Luciano Zemin

Founded @wolox. I'm doing my Ph.D. on Software Engineering @itba, I'm poliglot and musician. Curious above all things.

ID 846830

Sebastian Gaston Redondo

CEO/CTO of Personal CTO, Realtime Web App developer,

ID 394792

Fernando Cammarota

Co-Founder and CTO at @zolvers. Strong skills in Java and PHP programming. Very enthusiastic and passionate about new upcoming challenges.

ID 385243

Adrian Tschubarov

BADASS Creative, Designer with a solid Technical background. Games and Apps UX/UI Designer. Game Developer. Call Now! Skype ID: tschubarov

ID 793311

Federico Martín Alconada Verzini

Advanced CS student looking to gain experience. Currently working as a researcher/developer intern in the area of mobile computing & location-based development.

ID 275712

Germán Ferreyra

Germán Ferreyra is a full stack software professional with over 10 years of experience in all stages of development lifecycle. 

ID 123417

James Robinson

Co-founder and mobile architect of @opensignal. Data mining and modelling at @tesco. Masters in Physics/Philosophy & prizes from @oxford-university.

ID 147911

Ariel Flesler

Co-Founder & CTO @amberads

ID 320610

Guillermo Fritz

Self employee, frontend and backend architect & developer, providing IT solutions since 2006. Autodidact, always learning new

ID 675436

Jeff Kiiza

Data Science student with active interests in Machine Learning and 10+ years experience in the US and European startup sphere, working remotely and on-site.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);