Buenos Aires Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Buenos Aires.

Meet 17 business development View everyone

ID 785732

Vanessa Wright

Stakeholder & Public Relations | Communications | International Business | Marketing | Event Management

ID 438031

Thibaud Marechal

Founder @igloo. Previously founded @uniiv-1 . Studied IS @McGill. Went to @mit GFSA

ID 61388

Ignacio Harriague

Entrepreneur and business guy. Previously Biz Dev at @comenta-tv @fanwards @the-walt-disney-company @playdom and @three-melons

ID 399268

Matías Negrotto

Co-founder of @homeboard. Founder of @delmar, @foro-uces • Worked at @yahoo

ID 861641

Ariel Díaz Ailán


ID 785777

Juan Pablo Alvarez Gallesio

Engineering student @ Universidad Catolica Argentina . Born in Buenos Aires, with an entrepreneurial spirit. Very committed to social welfare causes .

ID 59642

Anne-Sophie Dutat

14yrs of experience in Innovation & Biz Dev building brand platforms within the luxury, beauty, food and travel market.

ID 540693

Aline Maingard

Marketing and Communications. International Account Management, Client Relations and Business Development experience.

ID 795312

Shniur Kiesel

ID 176417

Rita Almela

Co-Founder @almashopping, 1st beauty e-commerce, content and community in LatAm. ( @cpm-telecom, @caixa-capital-risc-1). EMBA at @iese-business-school-1

ID 689327

Grant Ethan Caldwell


Global Business Developer. International Marketing Strategist.

ID 463057

Daniel Lieser

Cofounder at TrustLeaf. Biz Dev. Growth Hacking. Experience in both soul-crushing & non-soul-crushing sales. International Econ. Standup comedy. Ice cream.

ID 96759

Oscar Trelles


Marketing executive, business development, partnerships, startup advisor, entrepreneur, connector. 

ID 52228

Monroe Yohey

Monroe Yohey is an Entrepreneur, Digital Strategist, Social Media Consultant, Digital Cinema Producer/Director, Creative Advertising Director

ID 670961

Matias Lonardi

Industrial engineer currently working as Sales & Marketing professional at @royal-dutch-shell . Co-founder at @snaggy and @goursocial-com

ID 477027

Santiago Seri

Founder Remuneratio HR• Worked at @hoffmann-la-roche • Studied at @universidad-de-buenos-aires

ID 110132

Kunal Kalro

Founder @outtrippin. Speaks 4 languages. Lived on 4 continents. Travel super-nerd. Front-end dev + biz-dev. Entrepreneur-in-residence @angelcube. </buzzwords>

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